Just sometimes...
You meet someone - and you know... You just know you're supposed to be with them.
No matter what circumstances are in your life - you feel something deeply and you can't explain it.
A moment - a kiss... something.
And you don't know what it is.
You want to run your hands all over them - you want to kiss them and feel them below or above you. You want to mesh with them - yet, you don't even know them.
It's so passionate. It's beautiful and horrible at the same time. You have no idea where these feelings come from. You have no concept of what causes them - you shouldn't even be thinking them ----- yet... there they are.
I have that feeling for one person I've met and I can't explain it. It is magic and awful and beautiful at the same time.
It's like meeting a soul mate all of a sudden - and they don't recognize you.
And the saddest thing - it will never happen... not that I would want it to. But it will never happen.
So I walked into a room - and there they were - the person whom I've always felt this around.
And I couldn't say anything more stupid.
I couldn't say anything more plain.
I couldn't make my intentions more known.
I'm married, I think - but what is marriage...
I toss passion to the wind and remember who I am.
The Crown Princess. The Royal Family... Yet - there in front of me is the one I wish to be with... I go back to the mansion - and amongst the furs I dream.